Salud Mental

Contributions from 40 years of epidemiological research on inhalant use in Mexico


Nora Angélica Martínez Vélez
Graciela Yazmín Sánchez Hernández
Lucía Vázquez Pérez
Marcela Alejandra Tiburcio Sainz


Background. The study about the misuse of inhalant solvents started in Mexico during the 1970, although the interest in this subject decreased during some periods, its consumption continued among the young population, thus, it is relevant to update the state of the art on this matter.

Objective. Identify the state of knowledge on inhalant abuse, its consequences, prevention and the treatment alternatives in Mexico in the last four decades.

Method. We performed a bibliographical inquiry between August and September 2014 on the papers published between 1970 and 2014 about inhalant solvents consumption in Mexico. It integrated the publications included in the historical archive of the Epidemiological and Psychosocial Research Direction, Mental Health Journal, Medline, Elsevier and Scielo México.

Results. After revision, 83 out of 1083 papers fulfilled all the criteria that we considered for inclusion in the analysis. This body of work has been performed on different population segments: marginalized groups, juvenile gang members, children in street situation, adults and minors secluded in detention centers, sex workers, people seeking treatment, students, and the general population.

Discussion and conclusion. The several relevant aspects of the consumer population of inhalant solvents in Mexico were identified. Detection of this ample profile of individuals at risk could serve as the basis for the development of prevention and treatment programs to attend to the specific needs of these groups, since the programs currently in progress are scarce and some of them have not had follow up assessments or have not been evaluated at all.

Solvent inhalant, epidemiological studies