Salud Mental

Physicians specializing in psychiatry of Mexico: An update 2018


Gerhard Heinze
Napoléon Bernard-Fuentes
Jaime Carmona-Huerta
Gina del Carmen Chapa
Diana Patricia Guízar-Sánchez


Introduction. In 2016, there were 4,393 psychiatrists in Mexico, with an estimated rate of 3.68 per 100,000 inhabitants. It is essential to keep this information updated in order to achieve the overall objectives of mental health care.

Objective. Estimate the total number of psychiatrists and paidopsychiatrists in Mexico in 2018; identify their geographical distribution, and compare the results with those obtained in 2011 and 2016.

Method. Comparative, longitudinal study. Various sources were consulted to update the number of psychiatrists and paidopsychiatrists in 2018 and to determine their sociodemographic characteristics. These characteristics were compared with those found in 2011 and 2016.

Results. A total of 4,999 specialists in psychiatry practiced their specialty in Mexico in 2018, 365 of whom are child and adolescent psychiatrists. A rate of 3.71 psychiatrists per 100,000 inhabitants was obtained for a population of 124,737,789. Regarding pedopsychiatric specialists, if we consider a population of 37,714,991 inhabitants under 16, the corresponding rate is .96 child and adolescent psychiatrists per 100,000 minors. These specialists are unevenly distributed throughout the country. Approximately 60% of all psychiatrists and child and adolescent psychiatrists practice in the three largest cities in Mexico.

Discussion and conclusion. Although the national rate of psychiatrists was increased in comparison with 2016, it is still lower than that recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). The geographical distribution of psychiatrists is uneven due to centralization and economic factors as happens in many countries in the world.
Mexico, psychiatrists, child and adolescent psychiatrists, distribution, certification


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