Salud Mental

Effectiveness evaluation of online Mindfulness in mental health and alcohol consumption in medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic


León Jesús German-Ponciano
María Fernanda Zapata-de la Rosa
Brenda Itzel Molina-Cadena
Yared Sarai Velasco-Gómez
Ángel Alberto Puig-Lagunes


Introduction. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the prevalence of stress, anxiety, depression, and alcohol consumption has increased among medical students. Mindfulness is an intervention to decrease these psychopathologies and alcohol consumption; however, evidence has shown unclear results regarding its efficacy.

Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of an online Mindfulness-based intervention (MBI) on stress, anxiety, and depression symptomatology levels, as well as on alcohol consumption and mindfulness status in medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Method. A quasi-experimental study was conducted on 237 students, obtaining sociodemographic data. In addition the levels of psychopathology, alcohol consumption, and state of mindfulness: were measured pre-and post-intervention through the DASS-21, AUDIT, and MASS instruments. Eight online Mindfulness sessions were conducted once a week for approximately one hour each.

Results. MBI did not reduce levels of psychopathologies or alcohol consumption, nor did the mindfulness status improve. High levels of psychopathologies, dropout rate, and lack of voluntary participation were the main factors limiting the effectiveness of the online MBI.

Discussion and conclusion. The online MBI wasn’t effective among the population under study: we recommend generation strategies where students are involved in and complete intervention programs. Results from this research will help enhance future online mindfulness interventions.
Mindfulness, medical education, anxiety, stress, depression, alcohol consumption


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