Salud Mental

Epidemiology of suicide mortality in Mexican young people (ages 15-29) from 1990 to 2020


Hilda Ortiz-Pérez
Enrique Bravo-García
José Samuel Bravo-García


Introduction. In 2020, suicide was the third leading cause of death in Mexico among young people ages 15 and 29, accounting for 43.0% of all suicides in the country, making it a major public health issue.

Objective. To explore changes in the geographic distribution of suicide rates by state and to analyze the magnitude, distribution, and pattern of suicide mortality in young Mexicans ages 15 to 29 between 1990 and 2020.

Method. Descriptive, ecological time-series study, based on official information. Standardized mortality rates were calculated using information on deaths (INEGI) and population estimates (CONAPO). The magnitude, distribution, and patterns of suicide mortality at the national level and by state were analyzed using the Joinpoint segmented regression model.

Results. From 1990 to 2020, suicide mortality in young people increased by 198% and was higher in women (285%) than men (178%). The states with the highest suicide mortality rates from 2016 to 2020 were Chihuahua (18.5 suicides/100,000 young people ages 15-29), Aguascalientes (16.6), Yucatán (14.4), Guanajuato (14.1), and San Luis Potosí (12.9), accounting for 23.0% of total suicide deaths.

Discussion and conclusion. The study of mortality trends could contribute to the management of a national suicide prevention strategy in young Mexicans, providing support for public health decision-making, such as the identification of the states and regions that should be prioritized.
Epidemiologic studies, mortality, suicide, young people, Mexico


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